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The Best Colouring In Printables For Beating Your Quarantine Blues

Colour yourself calm with this collection of printable colouring in sheets, guaranteed to help you forget your worries and kill some time.

Welcome to the pick 'n' mix shop of colouring in pages. From pop-culture and flowery fuck-you's to mindful affirmations & fun patterns for children, there's something for everyone. The best part is, not only is it meditative and mildly addictive but it's almost impossible to fuck it up, whether you're stoned, drunk or high as a kite on DIY fumes, just print a new one and start again. You could probably use it as really fancy, emergency toilet paper too. I'll be updating the page with more resources as time goes on it but it's probably wise not to do it all at once like your weekend Netflix binge. If you like what you see please share it, a lot of these are free - I know, FREE...I'm feverish with the generosity of it all, so please help to support the designers. Not on Social media? Open up your window and shout about it, or you could just make a purchase. Oh, you spent the last of your savings on toilet roll, bummer; why not bookmark the shop and come back to it at a later date when you can make it rain colours (and cash). Thank you.

All downloads and images are for personal use only.

Amy Hood Illustration

Free Colouring In Pages of Lindy Hop Dancing to enjoy during the Quarantine
Amy Hood Illustration Free Colouring In Pages
In an attempt to help battle feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and upset I have designed a few FREE downloadable colouring sheets. I have chosen some of my favourite Lindy Hopping and Girl Power illustrations and turned them into fun print-at-home pages for you to get stuck into when you're feeling in need of a little calming colouring

Share your artwork with her on Instagram using the hashtag #colouronavirus



Free Positive colouring in pages for adults and children to keep you going.
BeckieBeans Free Colouring Pages

There's also a handy print out to let your neighbours know how you can help them.


Edwina Mc Namee

Stoner Coloring Book for Adults, weed stuff
Edwina Mc Namee Digital Stoner Colouring Book
The perfect way to settle down and chillax, so grab some "buds", some junk food and get lost in this trippy Psychedelic dream."


25 hand-drawn designs featuring cute, stoner creatures with big glassy eyes.


Eleanor Bowmer

Free Colouring templates of some of Eleanor Bowmer's most iconic designs to print at home & draw.
Eleanor Bowmer Free Printables
Free printable colouring templates of some of my most iconic designs, You can print them at home and the kids can colour until their hearts content."

Get creative while you're stuck at home and don't forget to tag her on Instagram.

Tag her and use the hashtag #eleanorbowmerrainbow to be entered into her competition, see her Instagram page for details.


Exotic Cancer

10 printable colouring pages for adults to download and print out.
Exotic Cancer Adult Colouring In Set
Hopefully this makes being stuck at home for self isolation a little more fun 🙂💗

They’re available to download for free for all her Patrons or only $1 otherwise



This printable coloring book by Femcards features Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Ida B Wells, Simone De Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Maya Angelou, Margaret Atwood, Angela Davis, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
FemCards Printable Feminist Coloring Pages

Get your colouring on with these badass feminist theorists and authors. This printable colouring book features Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Ida B Wells, Simone De Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Maya Angelou, Margaret Atwood, Angela Davis, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Great for children or adults!



colouring pages filled with humourous intent and pop culture gold, perfect for everyone staying indoors, self-isolating and in need of a mood boost.
Foggish Funny Pop Culture Colouring Printables
Perfect for everyone staying indoors, self-isolating and in need of a mood boost. An absolute bargain time filler or passive-aggressive gift for the stockpiler & colouring lover in your life!

Love it? Follow her account to see what other things she's working on.


Hatchling Makes

Some colouring pages for you to download, print off and colour in. Take 30 mins away from all the news to focus on something totally different.
Hatchling Makes - Free Colouring Pages

Take 30 mins away from all the news to focus on something totally different.

There's a link on her downloads page to her Ko-fi account if you'd like to buy her a drink!


John T Swear Word Adult Colouring Book

“ Vulgar insults and cuss words to help you get your mind off the asshats that try to ruin your day!

The sample pages are hand-selected by John to give you an idea of what you will find in each one of his adult colouring books.


Look Human

Free 13 page colouring book filled with Look Humans best selling designs
Look Human - Free 13 Page Colouring Book
In wanting to do our part in helping you find safe, fun, and creative ways to occupy yourself while hunkering down through the current pandemic, we’ve created a FREE 13-page coloring book for you!

Take a pic of your colouring sheet and tag it with#lookhumancolors and post it on Instagram for a chance to win! (more details on their site)


Marika Kermode

Free colouring pages to download based on some of the Plagues of Egypt
Marika Kermode - Plagues of Egypt Colouring Pages
The current series is very loosely based on some of the Plagues of Egypt because going ALL IN is apparently how I cope.."

She'd love it if you’d bought her a coffee.

Share your results with #covidcopingcolouring so she can see!


Nicola B Studio

Colour in and spread some joy to neighbours & friends self isolating with this Free download.
Nicola B Studio - Free Helpers Colouring Sheet
I was inspired by the notes that people are putting through their neighbours letterboxes offering their help and support during this difficult time. And merging that with the stress-relieving colouring sheets.

Spread some joy to neighbours and friends who are self isolating.


Now Then Sunshine!

positive colouring in pages available as free printable downloads, which are great for primary school kids.
Now Then, Sunshine! Free Printable Colouring In Pages
I thought I'd make a few of the designs from my positive colouring book available as free printable downloads, which are great for primary school kids. They're not particularly educational, but they're fun and they may just fill some time so you can have a nice cup of tea and a scream into a pillow. 

If you loved these pages and want more, you can download the book for less than £7!


Passive Juice Motel

Free Pop culture Colouring In Sheets
Passive Juice Motel Free Pop Culture Quarantine Colouring In
Come grab our FREE coloring sheets and be great. Our small contribution to your quarantine blues.

Tag & share your work with them and they'll send one colorer $30 shop credit!



'ABC" printable is the perfect entertainment for your little ones (or yourself!). Now in Capitals and Lower Case option.
Poppekins Free 'ABC" Printable
Colour it all in all at once, or a letter a day. This colouring in 'ABC" printable is the perfect entertainment for your little ones (or yourself!).

You can colour cute animals, fruit, musical instruments and even the Queen!


Rebecca Strickson

Bestselling artwork available to colour in for free
Rebecca Strickson Set of 17 Free Colouring Pages
Download and print and colour to your hearts content. One rule - you have to show me what you do with them!


Digital artists pls contact her and she'll send you files, she's also running online classes via zoom.


Sian Shrimpton

A selection of super cute Penguin colouring pages to keep your hands busy or your little ones occupied.

A selection of super cute Penguin colouring pages to keep your hands busy or your little ones occupied.

If you'd like to say thanks you can treat her to a coffee via the Ko-fi link on her page.



Colouring pages available for free to help with everything that's going on
Works Beautifully Free Colouring In Pages
Due to the current situation with the virus and lots of us having to self isolate, I have made lots of colouring pages available for free! If you have any requests, just send me a message on Instagram.

There's a link on her downloads page to her Ko-fi account if you'd like to tip her!


Yeaaah Studio

FREE printable colouring book for kids or yourself
Yeaaah Studio FREE printable colouring book
Keep your kids (and yourself) busy during the lockdown! 🖍🤡❤️👨‍🎨

Just click the picture on the homepage to download the files :)




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